Sunday, July 15

don't go there!

this is what I have told Lyra...

just keep away...

can it really make a difference if you stay out
for a while...

or for ever...

of a newsgroup THIS LOW...

and ridiculously calling itself
a SHAKESPEARE group...

don't be fooled!

what is it REALLY like...

The "newsgroup" or "forum" "HLAS" is now almost beyond redemption

It has gone so far down into the pits
that its rubbish and festering
is at its worst level.

This is the fault of MANY.

Thank God it cannot be SMELT when visiting...

scent and pesticide SPRAY, anyone?

Tuesday, July 10

Much Ado About Nothing...

The dire HLAS group goes further still into the depths...

no, that should be shallows!

Friday, June 1

Mystery picture - who is it?: Mysterious pictures of the "unknown"...

Mystery picture - who is it?: Mysterious pictures of the "unknown"...

a very nice blog,
with pictures of "unknown" women, children and men
of the 16th and 17th centuries.

Surprising, that no-one has ever identified any of them -

no "Shakespeares" I think! -

maybe, he knew some of them though...

Saturday, May 5

Henry Percy, the real Shakespeare?

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A blog I've written for Henry


where you may find out all kinds of

interesting things...

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A NEW writer of Shakespeare?

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Among all the ideas for who wrote Shakespeare,

I don't think anyone has noticed


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which is quite an oversight.

I've written a blog for Henry...

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